Debt | debt management | credit card debt consolidation | debt reduction: 05/13/06

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Debt Negotiation

The following article on debt negotiation is actually some thoughts of mine that were flying thru my head, after interviewing some people that do this for a living. This article was written to answer some of the mostfrequently asked questions, as well as address common issues that people havewith this topic. I hope that you will find the information in this article helpful.

Debt negotiation is most often referred to as debt settlement. For those people who can’t handle a debt consolidation program this method is usually offered to them. If you can't handle the minimum payments of the debt consolidation repayment plan or haven't made payments in the past three months, a debt negotiation program is usually the next step for solving debt and credit problems.

One of the benefits of a debt negotiation program is you can stop making payments to your creditors. The debt negotiation company either takes monthly installment payments from you and keeps it in an account, or lets you keep the money in your own account.

On a quick note: I hope that you have found this information useful.It is really hard tofind top quality information on this topic, as not too many people like to talk about it. So I decided to share a part of what I havelearned about this ... Always remember, knowledge is power! So on keep reading!

While you are making these monthly payments to the debt negotiation company, they negotiate with your creditors for a lower payoff of around 40-50% of your total amount of debt. Once the negotiated settlement is agreed upon with your creditors, the debt negotiation company makes a one time payment to them.

A downside of the debt negotiation program is it lowers your credit score for as long as you are in the program. However, most debt negotiation companies require the creditor make the credit report show paid in full so it doesn't show up as a negative on your report once your account is settled.Some debt negotiation companies include a credit repair service that will remove the negative items caused by the debt negotiation program. You pay for this service as part of their program.Now that you have an idea what debt consolidation versus debt negotiation is choose which one will work best for solving debt and credit problems for you.

Well I hope you like this article. I want you to find moreIf you have any thoughts on this, please share.